
,Aturnkey,aturnkeyproject,oraturnkeyoperation(alsospelledturn-key)isatypeofprojectthatisconstructedsothatitcanbesoldtoanybuyeras ...,Turnkeyproductsandservicesaredesigned,supplied,built,orinstalledfullycompleteandreadytooperate.Turneyserviceproviders,like ...,什麼是Turnkey?電子發票Turnkey的關聯性是什麼?本文帶你一次認識Turnkey電子發票,4步驟教你如何申請Turnkey,以及詳細講解3種電子發票的開立方...


A turnkey, a turnkey project, or a turnkey operation (also spelled turn-key) is a type of project that is constructed so that it can be sold to any buyer as ...

What Is a Turnkey Service Provider?

Turnkey products and services are designed, supplied, built, or installed fully complete and ready to operate. Turney service providers, like ...



Turnkey Project Advantages and Disadvantages

A turnkey project is a delivery method in which a contractor works with a project owner under a single contract to complete all project ...

Turnkey Solution

A turnkey solution is a type of system built end-to-end for a customer that can be easily implemented into a current business process.

Turnkey Services Definition

Turnkey Services means items and activities normally the responsibility of the Customer under this Agreement, which may include, but shall not be limited to ...


華泰電子是台灣專業封裝代工廠,了解未來需求,如上所述,提供客戶完整的一站式服務(Turn-key solution),從晶圓測試、基板/導線架設計、封裝設計、封裝製造、成品測試 ...

What Is Turnkey Service?

Turnkey is basically a service that is installed or supplied completely and is ready to operate as intended. The term “turnkey” gives the implication that ...


統包、一站式方案(英語:turnkey project,又稱turnkey,turn-key),是一種專案類型,指的是賣方將專案架設好並調整完成,在可立即使用的情況下賣給買家,是科技業中 ...